Tuesday, December 23, 2008

First of all, it has been snowing like CRAZY this week!!!
Second, I have a new cute boy in my life... he is so much fun to be with and treats me like a real lady should be treated:) !!!

He's kind, fun, loving, & handsome!!! A little bit of a red-neck cowboy... but who doesn't love a little red-neck once in a while ;)?!?

Jeff & I in AF Canyon freezing...

Spinning donuts in Jeff's truck... it's a cool picture if you look close...

Yesterday we got over a foot of snow I think... Jeff lives only a few blocks away from me so going from his house to mine we just decided to walk. It was a beautiful, snowy, Alpine evening... but FREEZING!!! Here we are in all our beauty:)


  1. Ann! It's so good to see a new post from you! I was just wondering how you were doing today & thought I needed to call you sometime! Wow...looks like things are going good with this new man in your life!! It's so crazy to see you with a new guy, but you look happy! You need to fill me in on all of that!! Hope all is going well...tell Lyd Hi!! I'm glad you guys have each other to keep company since she is living with you! Take Care!

  2. Wow! That was fast! So awesome Andrea!
