Thursday, January 15, 2009

mY nEw VeNtUrE!!!

I'm going to be a nurse!!!

For quite some time now, I have wanted to go back to school to be a nurse. Somehow (on a crazy whim) I ended up at Provo College last week and came out as a registered Pre-Nursing student:)!

I started school on Tuesday. By the beginning of February I will be a CNA and sometime next year I will be a LPN. If all goes as planned I will be a Nurse by August 2011!!!

I am taking 2 classes this semester, Anatomy & Chemistry. Though it's been nerve-racking and stressful to go back to school after being out for 5 years, so far, so good. I got a 20/20 on my first Chemistry quiz today!!!

Everyone was out in the hall after complaining about missing 4-6 of the answers and it gave me a much needed confidence boost... turns out studying helps! ha I wish i would have learned that when I got my Bachelors degree:)...I probably would've come out a lot smarter!

Anyway, it's going to be a crazy 2.5 years as I juggle being a MOM, a student, and a having a job (as a CNA I'm hoping starting in February). It will be SO worth it to have a secure career and something to fall back on when I need it over the years. I know I can do it with the support of friends and family.... thanks in advance for your help:). Wish me luck!

NoAh DeCiDeS hE's A bIg BoY!!!

A couple of weeks ago, while Noah and I were visiting my Dad & Jodi in St. George, Noah learned the art of hoisting his leg up over the side of the crib! Needless to say, he hasn't stopped since.
My dad helped me transform his little Ikea crib into a "big boy bed" and Noah LOVES it. After putting it together, I brought him in and he was so excited to see his "new" bed. His eyes got big and he ran around super excited about it. When anyone came over, he ran them in to show them his bed.
At bedtime, he was excited to get in and promptly said "bye, bye, see ya!" and waved me out of the room. However, a few seconds after I left he began throwing a tantrum and continued for about 20 minutes. He threw his binky under the door and then started screaming "I WANT BINKY!!!" He then stuck his leg under the door and tried his hardest to get out.
After about 20 minutes I snuggled him and put him back in bed and he slept the whole night through without falling off... he LOVES his bed!!! At naptime yesterday he walked around for a minute and I peeked under the door and he had crawled back into his crib and had his blanky over him.

Monday, January 5, 2009

SaMuRaI 21

We went to a restaurant called Samurai 21 today for lunch. I thought that Noah would LOVE seeing the people cook in front of him... boy was i WRONG!!! At the beginning of the meal, the cook set the grill on fire for a few seconds and Noah freaked out!!! See below:
The yellow arrow is Noah's reaction...poor guy was shaking in his boots for like 10 minutes... literally!
The other arrow is Uncle Corey showing me how Noah was trying to duck and cover when he saw the flame.

This is several minutes later. I held Noah for the rest of the meal as he clung to me and was very cautious about what was going on around him. He kept saying "all done, all done!!!"
At the end of the meal, the cook left and Noah was very relieved. However, when the guy walked by a few minutes later, Noah burst into another HUGE anxiety-filled tantrum... poor kid is going to be terrified of Asians and/or Fire for the rest of his life:).

*JuMpIn' JaCkS*

Toby, Jake, Chandler, Thomas, Anna, the baby in Tobe's belly, Corey, Bridgette, Noah, & I surprised my Dad this weekend and came down to St. George to visit. So far we've had a lot of fun. Tonight we went to a place called Jumpin' Jacks where they had some bouncy castles to play in. The kids all loved it and we had a lot of fun:).

Noah is really becoming a fan of Anna... he's so sweet with her and just loves her a ton. Today she woke up from her nap and was crying down the hall behind a closed door. Noah stood down the hall calling her name in a very worried voice for a few minutes and then headed down the hall to find her. When he found the room she was in he knocked on the door and then looked down the hall at me and said "stuck! stuck!" What a cute boy:).

Noah is becoming a very independent little man. He loves to eat on his own... which is very hard for his OCD mom:). I hate food messes and stickiness and dirty clothes... I am learning to love all those things though as I watch my little man enjoying his food! I can't get enough of him!!!
Below is a picture of Chantell (Jeff's daughter) and Noah wrestling Jeff... Jeff is losing:).

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This year, i was really itching to go out and do something for New Years. I think this is the first time that I haven't just gone to someone's house for food and games (except for 2001 which was spent in London and tons of fun!).

We went to First Night in the big SLC. Jeff & I and his brother and sister-in-law went together and had a lot of fun. They had live bands, dancing, hot chocolate, and just lots of fun. It was freezing but worth it:). Here are a few pictures...